Quick Tip - Grayscale to colour image rollovers in Squarespace

More in Plugins, Scripting and Styling

Do you want to add a unique touch to your Squarespace site with custom image effects?

Recently, a query on the Squarespace Circle forum caught my eye – a user sought to make images grayscale on their site and then burst into full color when hovered over.

This sparked an interesting challenge, not just for that specific case but for anyone looking to add dynamic visual elements to their site.


The Basics of the Grayscale to Color Effect

The solution to creating this engaging effect is simpler than you might think. Here's a snippet of code that can transform your images from grayscale to full color on hover:

#blockid1, section[data-section-id="insertsectionidhere"] img {
  filter: grayscale(100%);
  transition: filter 1s ease;
  &:hover {
    filter: grayscale(0%);

The logic is as follows:

This code targets two elements: an image or summary block and a section. It uses LESS syntax, a CSS pre-processor that Squarespace supports, enabling more dynamic and efficient styling.

Implementing the Code

To bring this effect to life on your site, you'll need to add the code to the Custom CSS section of your Squarespace settings. But first, you must identify the specific block IDs or section IDs where you want the effect applied. These unique identifiers ensure the effect only occurs where you desire.

For those unfamiliar with finding these IDs, Squarespace offers guidance through their help resources, or you might find this article on the free Squarespace ID Finder Chrome extension useful.

Remember, if you're targeting multiple elements, separate each ID with a comma. And if it's just one element, simply use its ID.

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Caveats and Considerations

While this solution covers many cases, it's not without its exceptions. For instance, certain custom or third-party blocks may not respond as expected due to their unique coding or styling. It's also worth noting that extensive use of custom CSS might affect your page's loading time, so it's best to use such effects judiciously.

Wrapping Up

Custom image effects like the grayscale-to-color hover can add a layer of polish and interactivity to your Squarespace site that sets it apart. By following the steps outlined above, you can implement this effect and begin exploring the vast possibilities of custom CSS on your site.

Have you tried adding custom effects to your Squarespace site? Share your experiences and tips in the comments below – we'd love to hear from you!

Colin Irwin

I’m Colin Irwin, a freelance Squarespace Designer & Developer based in London, UK, with clients in the USA and around the world.

I’m a recognised Squarespace expert. I design and build Squarespace sites for everyone from charities and start ups to major established brands.


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