Adding Google Analytics to a Squarespace 7 website
More in SEO Tips & Tools
Our Squarespace video tutorial will help you get Google Analytics tracking installed on your Squarespace website in just a few minutes. We also show you how to immediately confirm that the tracking has been properly installed and is registering page views.
When Squarespace 7 was launched in late 2014 there were a large number of usability improvements in the site administration interface.
Unfortunately some functions, such as activating Google Analytics tracking, got buried deeper in the interface and are quite difficult to find.
What you’ll need to get Google Analytics running in your Squarespace 7 site
You will need:
A Google account ID - This is a code in the format UA-123456-7 that you’ll receive when you set up your Google Analytics Account
Got your Account ID? Then watch this short video tutorial.
As you can see, it's all pretty easy once you know how to find the field to input the Google Analytics account ID.
Google Analytics - beyond the basics
A basic Google Analytics installation provides a ton of useful information about your site visitors, but there's so much more you could learn.
Our enhanced Google Analytics services include:
A/B Testing - Create multiple variations of a page and test each of them out on a segment of your visitors. Use the winning candidate as the permanent page.
Revealing the hidden page views that Squarespace index pages don't track
Event tracking - Track key user interactions such as form opening.
Engagement tracking - Find out how people interact with the content on your site. Are they watching your videos all the way through? Are they skim reading, researching or not reading at all?
Setting Goals - What are the key actions that you want your visitors to take? We set them up as goals so that you can measure them in Analytics.
Conversion funnels - Analyse the paths people take to get to your Goals. Identify the drop out points and take steps to improved conversion.
Advanced search engine performance tracking - Provides a better understanding of search traffic than Google's "Not Provided" message.
Advanced social media campaign tracking - Find out whether your social media activities are driving visitors and, more importantly, work out whether those visitors engage with your site.
e-Commerce reporting - Understand how people interact with your store. What are the pain points? How can we reduce drop outs? Can we leverage remarketing to convert browsers into buyers?
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